Sheikh Jamil Halim al-Husaini’s Contribution to the Study of Hadith in the Global Era: Critical Study of the Book al-Qamar al-Sari li Idah Garib Sahih al-Bukhari


  • Shofiatun Nikmah Zainul Hasan University


Hadith, Contribution, sunni


Sheikh Jamil Halim al-Husaini has contributed greatly to the study of hadith in the global era. His students are scattered in the word, including the archipelagi. However, Research on his character in the field of hadith has not been done. This Research will examine the contribution of Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini in the field of hadith by conducting a critical study of his book entitled al-Qamar Al-Sari Li Idahgarib Sahih al-Bukhari. This book will be studied critically to find out how Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini’s concept is in understanding the Gharib Hadiths. This research uses a qualitative method with a historicall approach, this approach will describe comprehensively the intellectual journey and the background of the book in the field of hadith. This research can show that Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini uses the mujadalah method to explain the gharib hadiths in his book. He denied the understanding that was considered incorrect \\in understanding the gharib words in the Hadith, especially understanding that is contrary to sunni understanding. Conceptually, Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini understand gharib hadith based on three concept, namely, 1) interpreteting the argument of the Koran and Hadiths that are relevant to the word gharib. 2) conducting linguistic analysis 3) expressing the opinion of the salaf scholars from sunni and refuting arguments that contradict the meaning of hadith. Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini also gave his personal arguments in every explanation in his book. This book show thah Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini had expertise in the field of hadith. His Contribution in the study of Hadith has also reached the archipelago. Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini also transmitted hadith eith his complete sanad to his students in the archipelago, either via virtual or in person.


