معالم الخطاب النبوي زمن الأوبئة


  • أ.د. محمد سيد أحمد شحاته Al-Azhar University
  • أستاذ الحديث وعلومه Al-Azhar University


Introduction: The research highlights the nature of the prophetic discourse, the time of epidemics, its characteristics, and its most important features. Then the effect of the prophetic discourse shows the time of epidemics on society.

The importance of research: The importance of the study lies in trying to identify the parameters of the prophetic discourse during the epidemic, through which the spread of infectious diseases can be overcome, and through treatment that resists the incurable disease, and to explain the importance of prophetic solutions to health crises, and to provide the community with prophetic treatment.

Research Objectives: To identify the nature of the prophetic discourse during epidemics, and to explain its characteristics, effect, and features.

Research Methodology. Deductive inductive.

The results: that the Prophetic Sunnah paid attention to the prophetic discourse, especially the health aspect, and that the prophetic discourse focused on the prevention aspect more than treatment, and that the prophetic discourse has the greatest effect in preventing realistic, comprehensive and easy diseases, and that the prophetic discourse benefited the legislators in contemporary reality.

Second: Recommendations: Attention to collecting aspects of prophetic medicine and linking them to reality, and allocating a site where the medical miracle is published in the Prophet’s Sunnah, which I suspect will be a reason for many to enter Islam.


